Some Tips to Help You Stress Less
The members of our Newark Airport parking company will be the first to say it – airline ticket prices are crazy. One day they’re cheap, the next day they’re expensive, and the next day they’re in the middle. It almost seems hopeless to know when to get the best deal, but we’re going to try to help you out.
Fly on Certain Days
The price of your airline ticket depends on what day you’re flying. It’s usually cheaper to fly on a Tuesday or Wednesday rather than a Friday or Sunday. This is because most people take vacations over long weekends and travel from Friday to Sunday or from Saturday to Monday. Try planning a trip from Saturday to Tuesday or Wednesday and you’ll probably find cheaper prices.
Book on Tuesdays
Airlines usually post flight sales between Sunday night and Monday night. By Tuesday afternoon, other airlines have posted their sales to match, so you’ll have your pick of cheaper options.
Be Spontaneous
Some of the best airfare deals can be found for last-minute flights. If there are seats that the airline hasn’t filled, they’ll be willing to offer them at a cheaper price than to let them go unreserved. If you’re spontaneous and flexible, you can score some great weekend getaway trips.
Book Through the Airline
Many times, if you find an airline ticket sale on a third-party site like Kayak or Expedia, you can find that same price through the airline’s website. We suggest booking through the airline. This way, if you need to change or cancel your flight, you won’t have to go through someone else to do it. Many times, a problem is easier solved through the airline.
Mix & Match
Most people search for round-trip tickets through the same airline because it’s easier, but if you put a little effort into your search, you may find two one-way tickets through two different airlines for less money – especially if one airline is offering a one-way promotion to your departing or arriving city.
Time Your Purchase
On average, the best time to purchase a domestic airline ticket is between three weeks and three months ahead of your trip (the best tends to be at seven weeks). However, this all depends on where you’re going and what time of year it is. If you’re buying a ticket for a major holiday, the earlier the purchase the better. For international travel, book between two and five months before your trip.
Fly Early
Not many people want to be on a 6 a.m. flight, but airline tickets are often cheaper for the first flight of the day. If you can stand it, book an early flight and take a nap once you get to your destination.
Track Ticket Prices
If you have some time before you plan on leaving, set up a few ticket price alerts. For example, Airfarewatchdog can notify you (daily, weekly, or 2-3 times per week) of flights to and from certain destinations or of the cheapest fares out of your home airport if you’re looking for spontaneity.
Check the Details
You may think you’ve found a cheaper airfare through a certain airline, but check the details before you book. Some budget airlines charge you to choose your seat, for carry-on luggage, and even for not printing out your boarding pass ahead of time. You may end up paying more than you thought.
Be a Frequent Flier
If you tend to fly a certain airline often, it may pay to become a member of their frequent flier program. You’ll rack up miles that you can use later to save money. You’ll also enjoy perks like priority boarding and airline lounge access.