These days, credit cards are a great way to help pay for a vacation or a business trip, but before you set off with your plastic, there are some things to remember. Here, our EWR Airport parking company shares some tips:
Chek out the Perks
Depending on which credit cards you have, you may be eligible for certain travel perks, such as priority boarding, waived baggage fees, airport lounge access, and more. Before you set off on your trip, check out the details of each credit card to see if there are any perks you can take advantage of.
Have at Least One Backup
There are several reasons to have at least one backup credit card when you travel: Not only will it come in handy in case your other one gets lost or stolen, but it’ll also come in handy in case your first credit card isn’t accepted. Some places don’t accept cards like MasterCard or American Express, so having a second type is always helpful.
Know the limits
If you plan on using your credit card(s) for most of your travel purchases, make sure you know the limits on each card. The last thing you want to do is max out your card and be stuck with no way to pay for something.
Review the Transaction Fees
If you’re headed somewhere outside of the country, review your credit card transaction fees. Some credit cards charge their holders foreign transaction fees, meaning you’ll pay (usually) 1%-3% more for each purchase you make with your card. Other cards, however, charge nothing for foreign transactions.
Alert the Company
If you’re headed on a road trip to multiple states or you’re traveling outside the country, make sure you tell your credit card companies the dates you’ll be gone. If you don’t, they may think your cards have been stolen and you could face a freeze on your access. If you have bank cards, also a good idea to inform your banks of your travel plans as well.
Always Have Cash
These days, the majority of stores, restaurants, and hotels accept credit cards, but some small businesses and foreign shops don’t, so it’s always a good idea to have cash on hand. If you’re headed somewhere with a different currency, we suggest exchanging your cash in the U.S. before you go; it’s usually cheaper than waiting until you get there.