car lifespan

At Value Parking, we offer more than just affordable EWR Airport parking – we also offer vehicle services that can get your car back to looking and operating great. Whether your car needs a wash, a detail, or a gas top-off, our experts can have it done for you while you’re gone. You’ll not only come back to a car that’s safe and sound, you’ll come back to one that’s ready to go.

Our vehicle services alone aren’t enough to extend your car’s lifespan, however. That’s why we recommend doing a few things to help it last as long as possible:

Avoid excessive idling.

Did you know that idling for just 10 seconds uses as much gas as starting up your car? While it’s fine to idle at red lights or at a drive-thru, don’t leave your car idling when it doesn’t need to. When you idle, your fuel doesn’t combust completely, which can lead to damages over time if done excessively.

Keep your tires at the right inflation.

Tires are an important part of your car, and if you don’t keep yours inflated to the right PSI (pounds per square inch), it can drastically reduce their lifespan and even affect your driving. If your tires are over-inflated, they’re more susceptible to damage if you run over debris or a pot hole; if they’re under-inflated, you won’t get the best fuel economy and your tire’s tread will wear down prematurely.

Park in the shade.

As your car gets older, you want it to continue operating correctly. However, you probably also want it to continue to look great. That’s why if you have the opportunity to park it in the shade instead of direct sunlight, you should take it. UV rays can fade and damage exterior paint and even affect the integrity of parts of your interior, so opt for a shadier spot. You can even invest in a sun shade to at least keep the sun out of the interior of your car.

Change your filters.

Filters are there for a reason – to filter out contaminants so that they don’t get into your car. So make sure you change out your oil filter every time you change your oil and change your air filter every 2-3 months. If you have a lifelong air filter, check it regularly to make sure it’s still doing its job and if needed, wash it or blow it clean.

Replace your timing belt.

There are some things that need to be done when your car reaches a certain age, and replacing your timing belt is one of them. Many people forget about their timing belt and if it wears down and snaps, it can cause major damage to your engine and even total your car. Check your owner’s manual to find out at what mileage it should be replaced.

Replace your brake pads ASAP.

Have you ever heard someone’s brakes screech as they come to a stop? That screech is there for a reason – to warn you that it’s time to replace your brake pads. If you start to hear this noise, replace your brake pads as soon as possible to avoid possible damage to your rotors or overall braking system.

Preserve your paint.

Like we said earlier – you want your car to look great as it gets older, right? Preserving your paint is a great way to do that. In addition to parking in the shade, make sure you thoroughly wax your car on a regular basis (we recommend doing it at the beginning of each season). Be sure to use a paste wax (as opposed to a liquid or spray wax) to get the best results and most protection.

Don’t let your fuel level get too low.

Are you someone who doesn’t fill up their gas tank until they’re on “empty?” This is a bad habit to have. Since gasoline sediment settles at the bottom of your fuel tank, you’ll be cycling that sediment through your engine when you drive on little fuel. To avoid this, keep your fuel level at 1/4 tank and above at all times. (We can fill you up while you’re gone!)

Protect your interior.

While the exterior of your car is seen more than the interior, it’s still important to keep the interior in good shape. Use all-weather mats to keep your floors clean, wipe down your dashboard and console on a regular basis, get rid of any excess garbage, and vacuum it out as often as possible. You’ll be glad you did.

Drive more than a few miles at a time.

If you use your car for short trips to work or on errands, make sure you drive it for more than just a few miles at a time. Short trips are much harder on your car’s engine (not to mention, they give you worse gas mileage and contribute more emissions to the environment), so if you only make short trips, make sure you take a few longer trips once in awhile.

Flush your fluids.

Every two years or so, our EWR Airport parking experts recommend flushing out your power steering fluid, brake fluid, and anti-freeze and replacing them with fresh batches. This will get rid of any build-up or sediment.
